DICE executive producer, says” they would not make a game Battlefield annually. Battlefield developer DICE has no plans to follow Call of Duty's lead and annualise its FPS series, according to executive producer Patrick Bach
They said "The business goals for us are not to release a game every year," he explained. "To us, we need the time to be able to create the next game that consumers will hopefully like.
EA would never force us to release a game every year. I think that would dilute the vision of the franchise, and you will eventually kill the franchise by doing that."
Presumably Bach is referring to the core numbered Battlefield games. As pedants among you may like to note, there has in fact been at least one Battlefield game of some description released every year since 2008.
In descending order: Battlefield 3 (2011), Battlefield Online (2010), Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010), Battlefield 1943 (2009), Battlefield Heroes (2009) and Battlefield: Bad Company (2008).
Rather than bringing out new games every year, Bach added that releasing substantial DLC expansions, such as last year's Vietnam pack for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, is a more sustainable way of keeping gamers engaged with the franchise.
"What we noticed with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was that if you spend enough time on making an expansion pack like Vietnam there's enough content to make it feel new and fresh. It's not only a map pack, it's weapons and vehicles, and it makes the game feel fresh again," he said.

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