Cevat Yerli of Crytek boss, have stated that Crysis will be on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. through the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.
UPDATE 1: Crytek boss Cevat Yerli has confirmed that Crysis will launch as a PlayStation Network and Xbox Live title."For many years people were asking, can you do Crysis 1 on consoles?" he told GameTrailers. "We have been secretly working on that for a while. It's a digital download only. It looks just awesome, I believe."
UPDATE 2: Crysis costs 1600 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live and £15.99/$19.99 on PlayStation Network.
Sci-fi first-person shooter Crysis launches on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 next month. The game, which first launched on PC in 2007, is described as "remastered" in its debut GameTrailers exclusive video. It has "all new lighting", "all new effects" and "all new Nanosuit controls".

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