Call of Duty Black Ops game is released this November, and had a game tervavorit number 1 in Japan, is still an option faforit gamers around the world. When Call of Duty Modern Warfare burst free from a saturated genre and brought the world of war into the present day, gamers responded by making it the must-have game of the year.
The weapons are still cool, but certainly not the cutting edge stuff you’re used to playing with in the MW games. Where Black Ops does uphold the pedigree is in the look. Tremendously detailed, rich, interactive environments are one of the best things about the game. The real flavour, the mood, the intensity of the game is largely dictated by the enviroments and Call of Duty Black Ops hits a high point in this category. If there’s one real downside to the game, it’s that the single-player campaign is so short. Where Black Ops really wins though is in one of the Call of Duty staples, online play. What’s right: Vehicle play, astonishing graphics, good story, healthy options and diverse gameplay in online modes. Numb Thumb LucasArts has announced they will have a Star Wars Kinect game for next holiday season, presumably liberally using a lightsabre and choking people withe The Force. Speaking of Black Ops, the Cuban government has officially complained about the game, specifically its missions in Cuba and the mission to assassinate Fidel Castro. I think all future conflicts around the world should be decided by a game of Kinect Boxing.

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